Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Democratic Governance and Agency

David Löw Beer

Dr. David Löw-Beer

Research Group Leader
Franziska Mey

Dr. Franziska Mey

Research Group Leader
Doris Fuchs Leitungsteam RIFS

Prof. Dr. Doris Fuchs

Scientific Director
Rural settlement in Brandenburg: Regional development should be oriented towards sustainability.

The research group "Democratic Governance and Agency" conducts problem-driven research about the transitions to climate-resilience. It investigates the conditions necessary for sustainability transformations, mechanisms for political and financial participation, and the design and assessment of climate and energy policies. This research recognises the critical role that individual, proxy and collective agents play in driving or hindering change in the policy arena. This includes understanding the structures of power and the momentum for change as well as identifying and creating opportunities for action.

Provide robust scientific insights that inform policy decisions for rapid and socially just climate and energy transformations is the primary goal of this research. The group studies governance on all stages of the sustainability transition, from innovation and diffusion of climate-friendly technologies to institutional change and policies for phasing out fossil fuels and developing a zero-carbon economy and society. Interactions between different levels of governance (the local, regional, national and international levels) are considered with a particular focus on the role of subnational actors. The researchers also explore which democratic processes best support sustainability transformations.

This research includes cases from diverse regions: from the transformation of coal-dependent regions in Germany to energy transitions in Latin America and regions in the Global South. The group collaborates with policymakers, public administrators and civil society to identify and elaborate pathways for sustainable development. This co-creative approach reflects our commitment to a transdisciplinary approach. By taking on a critical, facilitative, and catalytic role in these transformations, "Democratic Governance and Agency" aims to ensure that the transition to a post-fossil society fosters a more just and sustainable world.


David Löw Beer

Dr. David Löw-Beer

Research Group Leader
Franziska Mey

Dr. Franziska Mey

Research Group Leader
Jörg Radtke

Dr. Jörg Radtke

Project Leader
Dr. Ira Matuschke

Dr. Ira Matuschke

Scientific Head of the Coordination Office
Katharina Beyerl

Dr. Katharina Beyerl

Scientific Project Leader
Germán Bersalli

Dr. Germán Bersalli

Senior Research Associate
Konrad Gürtler

Konrad Gürtler

Research Associate
Benita Ebersbach

M. Sc. Benita Ebersbach

Research Associate
Lukas Meese

Lukas Meese

Research Associate
Armin-Laszlo Halbach

Armin-Laszlo Halbach

Research Associate

Dajana Auerswald

Student Assistant

Katharina Beste

Student Assistant
Justus Schmidt

Justus Schmidt

Student Assistant
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