Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Dr. Wera Wojtkiewicz

Dr. Wera Wojtkiewicz



wera [dot] wojtkiewicz [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de

Wera Wojtkiewicz joined the institute in 2016, initially as a research assistant to the scientific director, Mark Lawrence. In this role, she was responsible for coordinating a wide range of operational and strategic activities and also contributed to core processes in the areas of third-party funding, science cooperation, and internal sustainability management. From 2021 to 2023, she served as a scientific advisor to Prof Dr Ortwin Renn for the steering committee of the German government's "Science Platform on Climate Protection". In 2022, she was assigned to a role within the institute's newly established Strategic Science Management unit.

Prior to joining the RIFS, Wera Wojtkiewicz served as a project manager at a consultancy for environmental policy and sustainability, where she coordinated internal and external procurements processes and strategic business development activities. Wera Wojtkiewicz has also worked as a research assistant at the Technical University of Berlin and co-organised several workshops and conferences on landscape planning as an instrument of nature conservation in Russia, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Wera Wojtkiewicz studied Social Geography, Eastern European Studies and Religious Studies at the University of Leipzig and in Irkutsk/Russia, and graduated with distinction. In her PhD thesis, which was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), she analysed economic and socio-cultural concepts of nature and landscape.

  • landscape development
  • land use changes
  • nature conservation
  • spatial planning
  • empirical social research.

Publications at the RIFS

Publications prior to joining the RIFS

  • Wojtkiewicz, W. (forthcoming): Landschaftsverständnisse in der Landschaftsplanung: Idealvorstellungen und Bedeutungszuweisungen. Springer: Reihe Raumfragen: Stadt - Region - Landschaft.
  • Wojtkiewicz, W.; Heiland, S. (2013): Welche Bedeutung hat Landschaft? Landschaftsverständnisse in der Landschaftsplanung. In: Leibenath, Markus., Heiderose Kilper, Stefan Heiland u. Sabine Tzschaschel (eds): Wie werden Landschaften gemacht? Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Konstituierung von Kulturlandschaften. Transcript: Bielefeld.
  • Wojtkiewicz, W.; Heiland, S. (2012): Landschaftsverständnisse in der Landschaftsplanung. Eine semantische Analyse der Verwendung des Wortes 'Landschaft' in kommunalen Landschaftsplänen. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, Band 70, Heft 2 (2012), pp. 133-145, DOI: 10.1007/s13147‐011‐0138‐7.
  • Wende, W.; Wojtkiewicz, W.; Marschall, I.; Heiland, S.; Lipp, T.; Reinke, M.; Schaal, P.; Schmidt, C. (2011): Putting the Plan into Practice: Implementation of Proposals for Measures of Local Landscape Plans. In: Landscape Research, DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2011.592575. Download
  • Heiland, S.; Demuth, B.; Wojtkiewicz, W. (2011): Landschaften in Deutschland 2030 - Eine Einführung. In: Demuth, Bernd; Heiland, Stefan; Wiersbinski, Norbert; Finck, Peter; Schiller, Jens (Bearb.) (2011): Landschaften in Deutschland 2030 - Der stille Wandel. Ergebnisse des Workshops vom 29.11.‐02.12.2010 an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm (INA) des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz. BfN‐Skripten 303. Bonn‐Bad Godesberg. Download (PDF, 397,7 KB)
  • Demuth, B.; Rittel, K.; Wojtkiewicz, W.; Heiland, S. (2011): Landschaften im Jahr 2030 - Die Szenarien. In: Demuth, Bernd; Heiland, Stefan; Wiersbinski, Norbert; Finck, Peter; Schiller, Jens (Bearb.) (2011): Landschaften in Deutschland 2030 - Der stille Wandel. Ergebnisse des Workshops vom 29.11.‐02.12.2010 an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm (INA) des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz. BfN‐Skripten 303. Bonn‐Bad Godesberg. Download (PDF, 8,0 MB)
  • Demuth, B., Heiland, S., Wojtkiewicz, W., Wiersbinski, N., Finck, P. (2010): Landschaften in Deutschland 2030 - Der große Wandel. Ergebnisse des Workshops vom 01.‐04.12.2009 an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm (INA) des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz. BfN‐Skripten 284. Bonn‐Bad Godesberg. Download
  • Wojtkiewicz, W. (2010): The construction of 'landscape' in landscape planning. In: University of Latvia (Hg): Living in Landscapes: Knowledge, Practice, Imagination. Proceedings of the 24th PECSRL Conference 23-27 August, Riga 6 Liepaja, Latvia. University of Latvia Press (ISBN 978‐9984‐45‐221‐0). p. 143.
  • Wojtkiewicz, W., May, A., Hoppenstedt, A., Wende, W. (2010): Einführung des Naturschutzinstrumentes ‚Landschaftsplanung' in der Region des Südkaukasus. In: Natur und Landschaft. Heft 8, pp. 340-344.