Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Roman Huber

Roman Huber

Affiliate Scholar

Born in 1966, grew up in Munich, following the Abitur worked on an alpine farm, travelling.

Social engagement: 2 years of civilian service caring for the elderly, 10 years of service at a home for asylum seekers, work with homeless people

Economic activities (early 1990s): Entering the IT sector at Computer 2000 / Workstation 2000, later at Tech Data, establishment of the pre-sales division, key account management in the HP-UX sector.

Political life to date: Since 1996 Establishment of Mehr Demokratie e.V. with now 10,000 members, 188,000 supporters, 9 offices and 35 staff, currently the largest direct democracy organisation worldwide -

Community life to date: Since 2007 Establishment of the Ecovollage Schloss Tempelhof, one of three cofounders -> home to 100 adults / 40 children, with its own accredited school for free development which is attended by 80 children, organic farming providing 60 to 70% self-sufficiency, seminarhouse with 5.000 bed nights per year, plus a range of other operations.

  • CEO Mehr Demokratie e.V.