Quelle valeur accordons-nous aux espaces libres ? Stratégies foncières pour développer les espaces libres en Allemagne et en France
In times of climate change, open and green spaces provide important ecosystem services. It is therefore essential to use land resources sparingly and to limit soil sealing. However, in view of rising land prices, tight municipal budgets and pressure on the housing market, land is a highly contested resource, which poses major challenges for local authorities in Germany and France. This study uses the examples of Siegen and Wattrelos to discuss how an active land acquisition policy contributes to the renaturalisation and upgrading of urban spaces and the challenges encountered in the process. In a direct comparison, it analyses the potential and limitations of the French Établissements publics fonciers (EPF) and the German Bodenfonds for open-space development and argues for the expansion and adaptation of these instruments for municipal land acquisition.
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Geffroy, N., & Plessing, J. (2025). Quelle valeur accordons-nous aux espaces libres? Stratégies foncières pour développer les espaces libres en Allemagne et en France. RIFS Study, Janvier 2025.