Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Взаємозв’язки між урбанізацією та екосистемними послугами зеленої інфраструктури у мегаполісі

Aim. Analyzed the relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services of green spaces in the metropolis, identified risks and promising ways to improve management. Methods. Methods of comparative analysis, classification, ranking of impacts were used. Results. The relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services of green spaces has been studied on the example of the urban ecosystem of Kyiv. The risks of fragmentation, destruction, adventization, underground infrastructure, hydrological regime, and unsuccessful management was analyzed. The characteristics of urbanization and climate change for the urban ecosystem of Kyiv was presented. Conclusions. In the long term, improving the quality of green infrastructure ecosystem services can be achieved by reducing artificial surfaces, increasing forest areas and parks within the city, possibly through new technologies for vertical gardening, green roofs, rooftop parks, and economic incentives for the conservation of multi-tiered plantings of a large area. It is necessary to create continuous ecological networks of green spaces within the state, unite fragmented biotopes and preserve unique biodiversity, maintain regional environmental security.

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Miroshnyk, N. (2023). Взаємозв’язки між урбанізацією та екосистемними послугами зеленої інфраструктури у мегаполісі. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів = Faktori eksperimentalʹnoï evolûcìï organìzmìv = Factors of experimental evolution of organisms, 33(1), 135-140. doi:10.7124/FEEO.v33.1581.



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