Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Focus on Interactions to Make the SDGs a Success: Our Key Messages for the Ocean Conference

STORY HIGHLIGHTSSDGs should not be tackled in isolation given the many interactions and interdependencies across SDGs, and SDG14 is no exception.Given the expected growth of coastal settlements and megacities, various targets under SDG14 may be compromised unless housing, settlements and infrastructure are planned and managed sustainably.The Paris Agreement is a key hinge between SDG14 and SDG13, supporting and reinforcing the achievement of both SDGs.Most ocean activities and ocean impacts have their source on land, whether it is shipping and fishing activities or pollution and degradation of coastal and marine habitats.

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Stevance, A.-S., Neumann, B., & Unger, S. (2017). Focus on Interactions to Make the SDGs a Success: Our Key Messages for the Ocean Conference. IISD: SDG Knowledge Hub; Commentary.

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