The Concept of Women's Right to Health in International Law and
Gender Equality
Gender equality is an urgent necessity, without which achieving sustainability and development is impossible. The world is experiencing a series of unprecedented crises with disproportionate negative effects on women, girls, sexual and gender minorities, and marginalized groups. It has not been done and there is a long gap, relatively few international binding agreements have been recognized regarding women's right to health, which indicates the insufficient level of protection. This issue requires complete and comprehensive international and regional research. The CEDAW Convention is the fundamental charter of women's rights, a unique and multifaceted document that deals with specific areas and forms of discrimination and fully covers the field of mental health (all areas where women's human rights are violated or not available to women). Gender equality for all people is a matter of fairness and justice and is a foundation for a peaceful and prosperous world and necessary for development. Gender equality is a moral imperative, a fundamental human right, an established legal principle in many countries and essential for development outcomes.
Pooryazdankhah, M. (2024). The Concept of Women's Right to Health in International Law and Gender Equality. 哈尔滨工程大学学报 = Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 44(12), 1256-1264.